The documents submitting and verification is important because they are essentially required when you withdraw your funds. You need to submit the following documents:

  • Your debit card (Both sides copies with your secret number hidden)
  • A utility or phone / mobile bill to verify your address
  • And a passport (or an English version of your CNIC)
Please note that the brooker can demand other documents according to their requirements; however the requirements listed above are in general the complete requirements.
In case of other forex platforms, they send you an email and you send them your documents as a reply to their email address, however in Instaforex this system is automated. Just go to the main website www.instaforex.com and click on the client area, after logging in go to the “verify” and upload your scanned copies of debit card. Then wait for a few days, when they are done with their verification of your debit card then upload your utility bill or any other supporting documents that contains your address. After 3-5 working days, you will see that your documents have been shown verified, now you can easily withdraw funds from your forex trading account.

If you strive to access extended services rendered by InstaForex or want to improve the status of your trading account, you may verify your trading account. Complied with Public Offer Agreement, verification is not obligatory.
Apart from access to additional services, trading account verification is aimed at strengthening of company’s confidence in a client.
Trading account verification is quite simple. All that you need is to upload the scanned copy of your passport or any other ID (on this page). After that, the document will be inspected. Within 72 hours after sending the document, you will receive an email confirming a higher status of your trading account or requesting additional documents necessary for the verification.
There are two levels of verification: the first and the second. Note that there are different requirements for every verification level. To get the second level of verification, you need to pass the first verification level. All the details on the account verification procedure you will find in the Verify account section of your Client Cabinet.

Basic requirements for the uploaded documents:

1. The scanned copy must be clear and in colour.
2. The scanned copy must be complete and have two-page spread.
– Both sides of the identity document must be scanned.
– If, according to the rules of the customer’s country of residence, the passport is not changed or renewed upon a certain age but has a new photo pasted into and/or the expiry date extended, the copy of such page must be submitted as well.
– If the customer’s name is in two languages in the passport, but this data is on different pages, the scanned copies of both pages must be provided.
3. No obvious erasures, additions, scratch-outs or other unauthorized manipulations are allowed.
4. The photo must be of high quality.
5. The name(s) on the account must be identical to the one(s) in the document.
6. The address specified in the account must be identical to the one in the document.
7. The document must be valid by the moment of its submission and must contain all the necessary seals and signatures as well as the date of issue and expiration.
8. It is not allowed to upload the same document for both levels of verification.
9. If the account is registered to a legal entity, the certificate of its incorporation must be uploaded.
10. Documents in the national language must be translated into English and notarized. Upon uploading, you should additionally submit the scanned copy of the original.
11. Accepted file types are .png, .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg and .gif. The size of the file must not exceed 2 MB.

Below please check the list of the documents accepted for verification:

CountryISO 3166-1Documents acceptable to L1Documents acceptable to L2
BangladeshBGDPassport of AA series
International Driving Permit (IDP)
National ID card (NIDC) can be accepted provided that the client uploads a scanned copy of the document (both sides) as well as the photo of a client with a document in his/her hand.
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
National passport (pages 1, 2-3 must be provided). If a passport was renewed, a client should provide pages 6 and 7 as well.
Page 8 of passport (page proving the client’s address)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
e-ID card (e-KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk))
Driving license (Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM)) Category A, B1, B2, D
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license Class C
Document proving the clients address
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
PakistanPAKPassport (a page with a signature and a fingerprint must be provided).
National ID card (NIDC) can be accepted only in case the document is translated, and the translation is attested by a notary officer. In addition to the notarized translation, a client should submit a scanned copy of the ID (both sides)
National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP)
SMART National ID card (SNIC)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile
Driving license
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
RussiaRUSInternal Passport
International Passport
Driving license
Seaman Passport
Diplomatic Passport
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
The latest permanent residence stamp (pages 5-12 of the internal passport)
Military ID
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
SlovakiaSVKID card (Občiansky preuzkaz)
Passport (Cestovný pas)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Seaman’s book
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
PAN Card of Income Tax Department
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Passport (the page containing the holder’s address must be provided)
Driving license
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
LatviaLVAPassport (Pase)
Seaman’s book (Jūrnieka grāmatiņa)
ID card (Identitātes karte)
Driving Licence (Vadītāja apliecība)
Residence Permit (Uzturēšanās atļauja)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile (Izziņa par dzīvesvietu / izziņa par nekustamajā īpašumā deklarētajām personām)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
LithuaniaLTUPassport (Pasas)
Identity card (Asmens tapatybės kortelė)
Seaman’s book (Jūrininko knygelė)
Residence permit (Leidimas gyventi)
Registration card (Užsieniečio registracijos pažymėjimas)
Driving license (Vairuotojo pažymėjimas)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile (Pažyma apie asmens deklaruotą gyvenamąją vietą/Pažyma apie gyvenamosios patalpos savininkui (bendraturčiams))
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
SloveniaSVNPassport (Potna listina)
ID card (Osebna izkaznica)
Driving license (Vozniško dovoljenje)
Biometric residence premit (Biometrično dovoljenje za prebivanje)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile
BelarusBLRPassport (In case the account holder name is written in Latin alphabet, page 32-33 must be provided); in case the account holder name is written in Belarusian or Russian, page 30-31 must be provided as well)
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
UkraineUKRInternal Passport (Pages 1and 2 – 3 must be provided. In case the passport was renewed as the holder reached the age of 25 and 45, pages 3-6 must be provided as well)
International Passport
Seaman Passport
Diplomatic Passport
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
The latest permanent residence stamp (МІСЦЕ ПРОЖИВАННЯ) pages 11-15 of the internal passport
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
EgyptEGYID card
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile
Military ID
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
MoldovaMDAPassport (Paşaportul cetăţeanul RM, paşaportul apatridului)
ID Card (Buletin de identitate al cet. RM, buletin de identitate apatridului) – scanned copies of both sides of the ID must be provided
Residence permit (Permis de şedere)
Driving license (Permis de conducere)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile (Fişă de însoţire (pag. 6 ‘DOMICILIUL’ + pag. 2 ‘Datele de identitate ale titularului))
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ItalyITAID Card (Carta d’Identità Elettronica)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Saudi ArabiaSAUNational Passport (pages № 1, 2-3, 8-9 must be provided)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
KazakhstanKAZID Card
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile (Книга регистрации граждан/Азаматтарды тіркеу кітабы)
Current place of residence verification letter (Адресная справка)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ColombiaCOLID Card (Cedula de ciudadanía)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile (Certificado de Recidencia o Domicilio)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Czech RepublicCZEPassport (Cestovní pas)
ID Card (Občanský průkaz)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
TurkeyTURID Card (Kimlik kartı)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
BruneiBRNID Card (kad pengenalan)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile (Residence document)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID card
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
United KingdomGBRPassport
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
VietnamVNMID Card (giay chung minh mhan dan)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license (giay phep lai xe)
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
PortugalPRTNational ID (Cartão de Cidadão)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license (carta de conducao)
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Costa RicaCRIID Card (Cédula de identidad)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
SwedenSWEID Card (Nationellt identitetskort)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
GermanyDEUID Card (Personalausweis)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
MoroccoMARe-ID Card (Carte Nationale d’Identité Électronique (CNIE))
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Livret d’État Civil
Certificate of domicile
Residence permit (Certificat de residence)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Sri LankaLKAPassport
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Republic of KoreaKORPassport
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
RomaniaROUID Card (Carte de identitate)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
BelgiumBELID Card (Carte d’identité)
Passport (Passeport)
Driving License (Permis de conduire)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
EstoniaESTPassport (Pass)
ID card (Isikutunnistus)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile (Elukohatõend)
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
GuatemalaGTMID Card (Documento Personal de Identificación)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
BulgariaBGRID Card (Лична карта)
Passport (Паспорт)
Driving license (Свидетелство за управление МПС)
Seaman’s passport (Моряшски паспорт за български граждани)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
AzerbaijanAZEID Card (Vətəndaşının şəxsiyyətini vəsiqəsinin)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
South AfricaZAFSouth African ID bookAny of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
FranceFRAID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
KyrgyzstanKGZID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
SudanSDNID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
SpainESPID Card (Documento Nacional de Identidad)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
New ZealandNZLID Card
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
MexicoMEXID Card
Voting Card (Credencial para votar)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
MongoliaMNGID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
LaosLAOID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
GhanaGHAID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
GreeceGRCID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
TajikistanTJKID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
PolandPOLID Card (Dowód osobisty)
Driving license (Prawo jazdy)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
El SalvadorSLVID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
VenezuelaVENID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
AustraliaAUSID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Cote d’IvoireCIVID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Democratic Republic of CongoCODID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
CambodiaKHMID Card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
SwitzerlandCHEPassport (Passeport)
ID Card (Carte d’identité)
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
ID Card
Driving license
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)
IraqIRQID card
Any of the documents acceptable for the first level (except for the one uploaded for the first level)
Driving license
Certificate of domicile
Bank statement with account holder’s name and address in it (the document must not be older than 3 months and must be signed and sealed by a bank official)
Utility bill (not older than 3 months)

How to Verify Insta Forex Account In Pakistan?

As Salam Alaikum...!

Humare kuch members ko yeh shikayat hai ke unka Insta Forex Account Verify Nahin horaha. Isliye mein yahan tafseel se likh raha hun is ke baad aap logon ko asani hojayegi Account Verfication mein.

InstaForex ka Trading Account 2 Steps mein verify hota hai. Aap ko apne documents ki color scan copy upload kerna hogi.

Documents Required for First Level Verification (Initial Verification)

* Passport (First Three Pages of book)
* SMART National ID card (SNIC)
* National ID Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP)
* CNIC Urdu to English Translation Certificate by Notary Public Officer.

Documents Required for Second Level Verification (Full Verification)

* National ID card without Notarized translation.
* Certificate of Domicile
* Driver Licence
* Bank Statement Signed & Sealed by Bank Official (Not older than 3 months)
* Utility bill (Not older than 3 months)

Document Submission Rules.

* Dono verification Levels mein kam se kam aik scanned document upload kerna lazmi hai.
* Scanned document files color quality mein bilkul saaf nazar aana chiaye.
* Ager passport hai tu phir first three pages ko scan ker ke upload kerein.
* ID Card ki dono sides (Front/Back) do alag files mein upload kerein.
* Scanned ki hui picture mein kisi qism ki Editing / Correction / Modification na kerein.
* Scanned document ke borders saaf nazar aana chaiye aur border se thora door se crop kerein.
* Photo achi quality mein hona chaiye.
* Insta Forex Trader Account holder Name Scanned document se match kerna chahiye.
* Insta Forex Trader Account Address Scanned document se match kerna chahiye.
* Ager koi Document 1st Level verification mein upload kia gaya tu woh 2nd level mein upload nahin kersakte.
* Expired Scanned Document upload nahin kersakte.
* Scanned file ki picture resolution kam se kam 1024X768 pixels ya isse ziada ho tu acha hai.
* Scanned ki hui file ko Jpeg (jpg) format mein upload kerein.
* Scanned ki hui file ka size maximum 2mb allow hai.

Ager aap ke documents in rules ko apply kerne ke baad bhi reject hojain tu aap Instaforex Support Team ko apne document email kerdein.

Email: identify@instaforex.com

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